
Ask Caat: Can I Rename my Animal Companion?

Unequivocally, yes. Animals like new names for a new life. Or if their name isn\’t working. I can\’t tell you how many improvements have been made with my clients when they change their animal companion’s name. Two obvious reasons come to mind. You have just adopted a new dog or cat. Unless it is a

Animal Quotes

Animal Quotes   \”No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink.\” ~~ Murray Banks \”The question is not, can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But can they suffer?\” ~ Jeremy Bentham (English jurist, philosopher, 1748-1832) The question is not, \”Can they reason?\” nor, \”Can they talk?\” but rather, \”Can they


A PET\’S TEN COMMANDMENTS My life is likely to last 10-20 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful. Give me time to understand what you want of me. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being. Don\’t be angry with me for long and don\’t lock me up as

Dad: 40 Years Ago Today

MISS YOU DAD 40 years ago today was a Saturday. I know this because 40 years ago today was the last Saturday, in fact, the last day on earth, that I ever spent with my father. At 4am on Sunday, July 18, 1976, my mother woke me by calling my name. I raced out into

What Happens to Animals when they Cross?

Animal Communicator\’s description of what happens to the spirit of our animals (and people) when they transition to the other side. Lisa Larson is an animal communicator, reiki master and evidential medium. You can find her at —- BLOG POST: HOW TO DEAL WITH THE LOSS OF YOUR PET:

Characteristics of Narcissistic Mothers

This is a well-known writing on the topic of narcissism. It is one of the most highly regarded. Although it is entitled for \’mothers\’, it relates to all relationships and all genders. It also is extensive in that while not every person will be described in every point, unlike many writings, it covers both overt

ASK CAAT: Are Animal Communicators Real?

Question: Do animal communicators really communicate with animals or is this purely a form of entertainment?  . Yes, we can really communicate and it is not entertainment. It is a private and sometimes very personal communication using telepathy, which is the primary mode of communication between animals, and which all humans have at birth,

Pet Nutrition Links

A lot of what I do is looking at the relationship of the animals I speak with to their food, and how it affects their mood and their health. Consequently, I do a lot of discussion on pet foods and nutrition. The following are a few links I\’ve compiled that I hope will help. (If

My cat died today- will she be in heaven now?

First of all, I am so very sorry for your loss. 🙁 Yes, your kitty is in the most beautiful place. When I talk to animals on the other side, they describe the feeling as one of complete love, peace, comfort and beauty. But heaven is not a far away place. You gave your cat

A Tale of Two Vets

Cuba, who we call our little 17 year old kitten (although he’s probably 18 now,) has hyperthyroidism. For the past two years he’s been on a very low dosage of Tapazole. He’s been doing fine. Had we been given more information about the ‘gold standard’ treatment of radiation, from the vet who diagnosed it, we
