How to Choose: Animal Communicator v. Pet Psychic


[T]he world of animal communication is experiencing a boom. Everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, not everyone who takes that jump is qualified to do so.

More and more the internet has been flooded with people calling themselves \”pet psychics\”. But what is a pet psychic, and more importantly, what is the difference between a pet psychic and an animal communicator?

\"\"In simplest terms, all animal communicators are pet psychics but not all pet psychics are animal communicators. It\’s an important distinction, especially if you are in need of not only receiving information from your animal, but sending information to your animal. This critical difference is important because if an inexperienced person tries to correct a problem without the proper training, they may very easily make a situation worse rather than better.

This applies to both behavioral and emotional problems. The process between just connecting to an animal psychically, and actually communicating with, them carries stark differences in technique. I, myself, will certainly use some psychic ability within readings, but its really more to fill in the blanks more than anything else. It is not the focus of the reading.

Don\’t get me wrong, there may, indeed, be many pet psychics who are very competent and have vast years of experience, but what many pet psychics fail to understand, those who have never had any formal communication training, is that animals can be very suggestable and it takes great care, training, experience, and understanding the animal psyche, to give suggestions to them without creating more problems than you are trying to solve.

Animals who are not communicated with properly may increase behavior such as aggression, inappropriate elimination, or even start exhibiting emotional problems because of lack of the proper way to send information.

Even those speaking to animals in spirit, inexperienced people can a situation worse. \"\"Not only may they not deliver the same types of messages from your pet, but they may not have a full understanding of animal spirit energy, or may not know how to deliver the message from the animal rather than through their own filter, thereby making the people in grief miserable beyond belief. People who study the art of animal communication have a certain understanding of animal behavior, and an experience with the types of messages animals in spirit send. In other words, they know what questions to ask, and how to deliver those messages, more so than those who have just simply hung up a \”pet psychic\” shingle.

Think of it this way, would you want your primary care doctor to do open heart surgery on you? Of course not. It\’s a specialized field. So is animal communication. When you want to speak with loved ones on the other side, you want a true medium who has studied the craft, not a person who may be a good psychic but has no mediumship experience. When you want to get information about your life, you want an experienced psychic, not someone whose only psychic experience is stocking the bookshelves at a psychic book shop.

It stands to reason, then, that when choosing someone to assist with your pet, that innocent family member who trusts and depends on only you, you want to choose a qualified animal communicator, who has studied the art specifically, understands the dangers and the pitfalls, and has had years of experience speaking with animals, lots of them, rather than someone who has really just jumped on the \”pet psychic\” bandwagon, to add money to their coffers, because it\’s now the \”in\” thing.

So when choosing someone to assist you with your pet, here are some questions to ask:

• Do you \’communicate with animals\’ or \’read\’ them?

• Are most of your sessions with animals or with humans?

• Who did you study with?

• How long did you practice before going professional and how many animals per week or per month did you talk to in that time? (I would look at around 3 years as a minimum amount of time to practice extensively before going professional.)

• How long have you been speaking with animals professionally?\"\"

• How many animal sessions do you perform per week/ per day?

• Is this a \”full time\” profession? How many hours per day do you work specifically on your business? (This does not necessarily connote an ineffective animal communicator if they are not full-time, some people are just getting on their feet, but it does give you an idea of how much experience they have.)

• Do you have a website and testimonials to look at? (People taking this seriously should have a dedicated professional looking website to help people understand what animal communication is and how it works.)

These questions will not guarantee you a good communication, but with them you should have a more clear idea of who to hire and who not to hire when wanting to communicate with your most precious fur-dependent, be it in body or in spirit. And why would you want any less than the most experienced among them?

For more information on animal communication please visit Pawstalk Animal Communication & Reiki.

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  1. Pingback: Pet Reading: What's Your Pet Thinking?

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