Animal Communicator\’s description of what happens to the spirit of our animals (and people) when they transition to the other side. Lisa Larson is an animal communicator, reiki master and evidential medium. You can find her at —- BLOG POST: HOW TO DEAL WITH THE LOSS OF YOUR PET:
Question: Do animal communicators really communicate with animals or is this purely a form of entertainment?  . Yes, we can really communicate and it is not entertainment. It is a private and sometimes very personal communication using telepathy, which is the primary mode of communication between animals, and which all humans have at birth,
A lot of what I do is looking at the relationship of the animals I speak with to their food, and how it affects their mood and their health. Consequently, I do a lot of discussion on pet foods and nutrition. The following are a few links I\’ve compiled that I hope will help. (If
Cuba, who we call our little 17 year old kitten (although he’s probably 18 now,) has hyperthyroidism. For the past two years he’s been on a very low dosage of Tapazole. He’s been doing fine. Had we been given more information about the ‘gold standard’ treatment of radiation, from the vet who diagnosed it, we
When I ask rescue animals who don\’t like their name (because they want a new life to go with their new home) they always say they want something that fits who they are. The other option is to name them something that both fits who they are and who they want to be. (For instance,
This week, my husband and I are on vacation. We went away and had a wonderful time in Julian and are taking a few days for ourselves here. Yesterday, we went to the library and had a lot of fun looking up the genealogy of my family. My grandmother\’s name was Sadie. We spent the
Someone asks: How would you choose a shelter dog? What do I have to consider besides the sex of the dog? My dog is a male, and [we] would like to have another male, but since i found out that another male would be bad idea, we are now thinking what traits should we search
by Lisa Larson Coming to the realization that it will soon be time for your fur-child to move onto the other side is one of the hardest things we, as committed and loving pet parents, can go through. As a long time animal communicator, whose specialty is speaking with animals in spirit, there are things
People have asked: The place I get my remedies … Vitacost … now allows me to offer a discount link directly. By using this link you get $10 off your first order and I get a $10 coupon. The link is For more, see my page on Flower Essences
I\’m thrilled to see these types of therapies coming into being for our furry loved ones.
Pawstalk is located on the West Coast of the US, in Pacific Time. However, I do all my work distantly, both locally and worldwide for your animal’s comfort and your convenience. Please contact me via phone during the hours of 10am and 4pm Pacific Time, Monday-Thursday (excluding holidays,) or email me (rather than text, please) anytime.
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