
Releasing Patterns

John Edward ( recently wrote a wonderful newsletter on releasing patterns. I thought I would present the Huna view. Patterns are defined by Webster’s as “a reliable sample of traits, acts, tendencies, or other observable characteristics…” Patterns influence our lives on a very deep level. They are an imprinted on our Kus (subconscious) as reactions

Bless the Situation

Bless The Situation by Linda-Ann Stewart Last year, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since she has emphysema and is on A relationship coming to an end can open a door to a better one. Choose not to wallow in anxiety, worry, or concern about the possible negative consequences of the \”loss.\” Instead, concentrate


With the 4th of July coming up, thought I would share a story I wrote several years ago. ———- I didn\’t really feel like going shopping on the day before Independence Day. I had to get up at 6:30 for a networking meeting, (I\’m a freelancer and usually sleep until 8:00,) I had a mild

Tend to your Garden

Tarot Inspired Reflection For the week of Jan. 27. 2008 The King of Pentacles is a person who has become defined by nothing more than his or her earthly existence. S/he is so focused on material wealth that, in the vein of “Chauncy Gardniner” (a character in the film “Being There”) s/he has ‘left the

The Power of Mana

Tarot Reflection for the Week of Jan. 20, 2008 Once again we have the two of cups. Things are so divisive in the world, the fact that we are all connected, on some level, can\’t help but affect us. It affects our relationships with strangers, our co-workers, our family, but most importantly — ourselves. Sometimes
