How do we know when we actually connect with an animal? Is it different for everyone? I\’ve tried to remember what I was feeling when I got a correct \”reading\” but this hasn\’t worked very well for me. Do any of you get any specific feeling when you really connect with an animal?
I can\’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you how I do it. I use vibrations. I visualize the animal, then I visualize a sort of radio dial. I tweek that radio dial until I feel like I am \”in tune\” vibrationally with the animal. There is a definite \’vibrational convergence\’ that I feel when I\’ve connected.
This sounds dumb….how accurate do we need to be before we can become a professional communicator? It seems like most clients want very specific answers instead of generalizations about their animals that they already know (like he seems energetic, friendly…)
Not dumb. This is a tough question. You are probably more accurate than you think you are. I heard something the other day about knowing and practicing things. The guy said, \’people practice for confidence, more than to learn how to do it.\’ Or something like that.
I believe that the practice is not only to connect with the animal, but to learn how to interact with people who don\’t understand the process,
and to be confident enough that when they are saying \’no\’, you can know when or when not to say … \”Yes!\” There\’s a strength in the things that I feel. Some things are a weaker feeling, where I know I may be on the periphery of something, but I\’m not quite locking in. Other things, however, are very, very clear. I think I mentioned recently about a cat showing me a sink. No matter how many times the parents said \’no\’, I kept seeing that sink. Trust yourself. I had to go through several incarnations of describing it in certain ways to them, adding more detail each time, before they said, \”oh, yes, there\’s a sink in there.\” (THANK you!)
Part of your job is to educate your clients before a reading. Some you talk to and understand they get it already, some you have to give them specifics. Wasn\’t it you who saw a blue house or something with a dog on the forum? Actually three communicators saw something blue. It wasn\’t until I mentioned alternatives to his mom that she recognized a couple of different things that he might have been speaking about. Whatever it was, he sure did want to get that color across. So a lot of it is just the practice of knowing how to present the information in the face of a negative response. Most people don\’t do it intentionally, they just don\’t know. Of course there will always be the \”No, no, no-ers\’ but they aren\’t worth the time anyway. It doesn\’t matter how accurate you are, they won\’t believe you.
Again, confidence is the key. And don\’t discount the things you give them that they already know. Those are the most important because those are the things that show your accuracy to them. I make sure to tell my clients not to tell me anything about the personality of the pet, for precisely that reason.
I lock into the personality (or canineality, or felinality per se) first, so that we establish I am talking to their child. Once you get past that point, the parents tend to relax a bit. It\’s those little tidbits of \”known items\” that you want to throw in every once in a while during the reading, to keep them – and you – understanding that you are connected. That\’s what validations are for, and why the animal communication practice forum is so valuable.
How can I transition from doing my readings by sitting quietly by myself/meditating/calling in my helpers then reporting back to the clients, to doing on the spot phone communications? It must take a lot of practice.
There are a lot of communicators who don\’t do phone communications. They get the info beforehand and simply talk to the animal alone, take notes, and report back over the phone later. How you choose to do it is up to you. It is a good idea, however, to try your hand at phone readings with friends or whoever, to get the feel of it and decide for yourself which is best for you.
Is there any where to practice finding lost animals? This is really interesting to me.
Well, that\’s a good thing to be interested in, because it\’s the hardest thing you can do as a communicator, and not many people like to do them. I don\’t. I have done them, but I hate it. We don\’t do that on the forum because people are really in grief. I think if you really want to do it, the universe will present you with the opportunity or, you can take lessons with someone who specializes in it.
Great questions. I believe that everyone has the ability to communicate with animals and if anyone has the drive and the desire to become professional, they will surely succeed. #