
Adopting a New Kitty

HOW TO INTRODUCE A NEW CAT INTO A HOUSEHOLD WITH ANOTHER CAT Many people come to me with the question of how to introduce a new cat into the household where there is an existing cat. It\’s a time that can determine, Make sure during that time that you spend plenty of time in the

A Pet\’s 10 Commandments

1. My life is likely to last 10-20 years… Any separation from you is likely to be painful. 2. Give me time to understand what you want of me. 3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

The Elephant & the Hound

The Orangutan & the Hound

No more clear indication that there are, indeed, past lives and that animals are sentient.

Grapes & Raisins: Toxic to Dogs

Do you have dogs? If you don\’t listen to anything else, listen to this: DO NOT FEED DOGS RAISINS OR GRAPES. You can also see this posting on Snopes. ******** It appears that raisins and grapes are to dogs what lilies are to cats: Keep your babies safe. Learn what is toxic to your pet.

Negotiating with Terrorists…

… of the cat variety. (Written some years ago.)

Ask Caat: Getting your first cat

Can you give me some tips on getting my first cat? __ Hey! Congrats on your new cat. Here are some tips to remember: 1. Keep all lilies out of the house. They are highly toxic and just one small chomp on any part of a lily can can kill your cat within days by

Ask Caat: Can you talk to two animals at the same time?

Question: Sometimes I get confused when I talk to my guinea pigs since i have two is it possible to talk to both of them at the same time? You can talk to two animals at the same time. It\’s funny sometimes because, sometimes I\’ll be talking to one animal and the other will just

First Steps to Animal Communication

Steps to getting started in your first communications 1. CENTER YOURSELF — Close your eyes, take at least three deep breaths. With each exhale, imagine all negative energy draining out the bottom of your feet and disintegrating in the earth below. With each inhale, imagine breathing in pure white light from the universe. As all
