Pawstalking: A Course in Communicating with Animals

A Book by Lisa Larson

Have you ever wondered what animals have to say? Animal communicator Lisa Larson, M.A. offers simple and effective instructions on how to communicate with animals in an engaging, relatable, step-by-step format. Using her techniques, you can discover and develop your potential to change the lives of animals and their people.
Lisa shares heartwarming personal experiences which effortlessly guide your understanding of the importance and responsibility that comes with knowing how to communicate with animals. Through a series of thoughtfully-crafted exercises, tips and techniques, she challenges you to explore your intuitive abilities, as well as your beliefs about animals, yourself, life and the universe as a whole.
After reading Pawstalking: A Course in Communicating with Animals you will never look at animals, nature, or yourself in the same way again.
Available at AMAZON (print & ebook) and APPLE BOOKS (ebook).
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Lisa Larson, M.A.
Lisa Larson is an animal communicator, Reiki Master and shamanic ordained Alaka’i in the Huna tradition. Lisa has been speaking with animals for nearly fifteen years. Speaking with animals in spirit is one of her strengths and passions.
Lisa has studied animal communication with some of the most well-known pioneers in the field of animal communication and she, herself, has risen to become a respected authority in that field. Lisa lives in Carlsbad, California with her husband, Michael, and the spirit of their two feline sons, Cuba & Makana.
Relaxation Meditation
Meditation is critical to the practice of animal communication. One of the simplest and easiest meditations to begin your meditation journey is a guided relaxation meditation. From there you can go in many directions, but your first step is learning to relax.
In my book, Pawstalking: A Course in Communicating with Animals, I give you a simple white light, waterfall relaxation meditation that you can read and get a feel for, or record for yourself. Or you can use my pre-recorded meditation taken from the text in my book. Enjoy this short relaxation meditation from the book.
Enjoy your relaxation meditation, and remember to “Talk to the Paw.” 🙂